Guildford Lions Club
Focused on making a difference to peoples' lives in Guildford Find out moreContact Us
Classic Car Display 2025
in our second classic car display.
We anticipate having 80 pre-1983 cars on display with the event based in the 16th
century Guildhall where there will be light refreshments, raffle tickets on sale, and
programmes available.
The High Street will be closed to other traffic for the day and if the 2024 event is a guide it will be a very popular event for car owners, petrol heads, and the general public.
Click here to register your car and remember to include a good image of your car.

£10,000 TO BE WON!
Guildford Lions are holding their annual Charity Golf Day on Friday July 11th 2025 at Clandon Regis Golf Club. It is once again in aid of “Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey”.
The day costs £90 per person (£360 per team of 4) and comprises a 18 hole Stableford competition with a 10.00 a.m. Shotgun start, after coffee and bacon rolls, and followed by a 2 course lunch, raffle and auction. There is a massive prize of £10,000 cash for a Hole-in-One at one of the par-3 holes, with smaller prizes at all the other par-3s. In addition there will be individual and team prizes for the best scores.Please come along and help us raise a lot of money for this very worthwhile cause !
We are also seeking sponsors for the event, including individual hole sponsors, as well as donations of raffle and auction prizes.
If you are able to help, or for more information or an entry form, please email us on our dedicated golf day address : .
That was 2024 that was!
Our aim is to serve the community in whatever way we can, and have fun doing it. That usually takes the form of raising money in order to support local charitable and deserving causes. Our major annual fun and fundraising events, each of which is organised by a small group of members, were:
- April – our first Classic Car display in Guildford High Street – NEW!
- June – a Music in the Park Concert at Hatchlands Park
- July – our Raft Race starting from Millmead on the first Saturday in July
- July – charity Golf Day at Clandon Regis GC
- November – the Firework Fiesta is our largest event – featuring Live Music and a spectacular Fireworks display at Stoke Park
- December – our Christmas collections at local supermarkets and by Santa and his helpers on our streets.
From the money raised we distributed a total of £61,000 which included;
- over £7,500 to North Guildford Foods banks,
- £7,500 to the Oakleaf mental health charity
- £6,000 worth of shopping vouchers to families in need at Christmas,
- £5,000 to Guildford Action
- £3,750 to the HALOW Project
- over £10,500 was spent in support of other local charities, including , Guildford Shakespeare Company, GASP Motor Project, Basketball4 All, Pirbright School Nurture Farm, Challengers, Hedgers Almshouses, local schools
- nearly £5,000 to support local humanitarian needs.
So next time you see us collecting you’ll know why!
However it is not all work as we like to play as well. In 2024 we had a rich and varied social programme including evening social events, dinners, golf and a weekend away in Great Malvern
We are a non-political organisation and welcome all comers irrespective of race, physical ability, religion or sexual orientation. If your time is limited why not consider becoming a Supporter of the Club and helping out where possible at our fundraising events. Start by asking to receive our monthly supporters report (also available on our website)
If you are interested in joining the club or becoming a Supporter click here to Contact us
Who are we?
The Club was formed in 1967 and has a focus on making a difference to peoples’ lives in Guildford. We are all volunteers, both male and female, with a passion for helping others whilst having some fun along the way. Being based at the Waterside Centre in Guildford we support our local community but as part of Lions International we also respond to global crises when appropriate.
About Us
Guildford Lions Club is just one of approx 810 clubs in the British Isles which can be found in most towns and cities. We meet monthly at the Waterside Centre and our aim is to help create a better environment in which our community can flourish.
We work with a number of Guildford agencies and charities, both large and small, to identify and help as many people as possible in our community. The majority of the funds we raise are used locally, although when disasters strike around the world, we unite with other Lions Clubs globally to offer assistance wherever we can.
Without the financial donations of our wonderful sponsors and the support of many local organisations we would not be able to put on the many events etc that allows us to raise funds and help our community.
We are very grateful to each and every one of you.