2021 Donations
Not only do we offer financial support to local deserving causes, we are also a service organisation providing assistance, such as, helping with bucket shakes for other charities, marshalling at civic events e.g. the Remembrance Sunday Parade, providing transport and entertainment for our more senior residents.
Our recent support includes:

- amounted to almost £3,000 and included;
- £250 to the Lions Brain Tumour Research Appeal
- £500 towards a respite break for a young cystic fibrosis sufferer and his family
- £350 to help out a social services client with medical and other problems
- donation of £250 towards the costs of toys and play mats for a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Group which is being established in Godalming for children aged 1 to 5 years.
- £330 towards fees so that a young boy (9) in Guildford with special needs can continue to attend a drama group which has proved beneficial for his difficulties.
- A total of £1,500 to Guildford Action to help with their additional costs over winter to help rough sleepers, family activities and their drop-in centre.
- We donated
- £145 for the purchase of a bedside cot and buggy for a single mother in Milford.
- a local business gave notice that they are to donate 15 x 2 year old laptops for redistribution
- We donated
- 250 to local charity The Prostate Project via sponsorship of one of our supporters running in the Virtual London Marathon in aid of that cause.
- Following an appeal to us from the Surrey CC Adult Social Care team a local business supporter of Guildford Lions Club donated £958 to fund the purchase of 2 new iPads for a local family with special needs
- In response to a request from a member of the British Red Cross an emergency payment of £145 was agreed to purchase a wheelchair for them to loan to, in the first instance, a very deserving cause so that the recipient’s wife is able to transport her husband with ease in a new light weight wheelchair.
- we donated £100 to the Lions Club International Fund appeal for the Haiti earthquake disaster
- We donated
- £200 contribution to help a six year old girl living from a troubled family attend gym classes recommended by her School Support worker
- £110 to ‘A Ball for All’ campaign to provide 5 lightweight mini-footballs with bells inside for blind and visually impaired children and young people
- £100 towards the $100,000 the Lions Club International disaster relief fund has already donation to help victims of recent floods in Europe
- We confirmed our continued budget of £350 a month to support local food banks. Demands on food banks re steadily increasing. For more information click here.
- With generous support from the public we were able to help a troubled family who were rehoused to an unfurnished flat in our area. More information here
- We donated
- £450 for supplies for food banks in Guildford and Godalming
- £230 to families identified by the Guildford Family Support workers for assistance to fund attendance at a Holiday Club for an autistic child in one case, and in another a refurbished laptop and various domestic items for a family rehoused because of domestic violence.
- Club members donated 11 hours of their time to help the community
- we donated
- a number of refurbished devices to our wonderful friends at the Family Support Team at Guildford Borough Council who will ensure they go to new homes in the local area. This was only possible because of an excellent response to our Laptop Project Thank you!
- We donated
- £129 to the local Food Banks
- a variety of items of furniture, kitchen utensils to support a previously homeless man
- Club members donated 15 hours of their time to help the community
We donated
- various household items including a new mattress bought from Dreams of Guildford to a young couple being rehoused in Park Barn. They had arrived in Guildford by train from London earlier in the day and only had a few bags of possessions with them. A big thank you to Ben the manager of The Harbour Hotel in Guildford who supplied free transport and Big Mouth Guildford who kindly supplied the “muscle” for the move.
- a half sized cello to George Abbot school and 3 cycles to a local Charity The Bike Project Surrey based in Guildford who provide Community Training for youngsters in a workshop. These items together with a laptop for refurbishment and onward use were given to us by a lovely West Horsley resident – thank you so much!
- Fresh vegetables and eggs for Guildford Food Banks
at a cost of £242.50 and for Godalming Food Bank at a cost of £126.00. - £500 to the Pirbright Village Primary School Nurture Farm to purchase lightweight wheelbarrows for the children to move animal feed etc around the farm.
- £450 to ‘Cycling Projects’ a charity based at Woking Sportsbox, but also covering the Guildford
area making cycling accessible to all, , to acquire an additional specially adapted three wheeled
cycle to be used by disabled persons of all ages. - £50 to the donations raised in memory of Lion Avis Maddison (Surrey Border Lions Club) and wife of their Club Secretary, Paul, who was tragically killed in an accident on 6 April. Donations in her memory are being
collected for Smile Train, The Little Princess Trust and WaterAid. - £50 to the family nominated charity in memory of Joan Young the widow of former Guildford Lion and past President Ron Young who passed away in April
- £300 to Lions Clubs in India in their battle
against Covid-19.
- We donated
- £250 to Dyscover a charity based in Leatherhead covering the whole of Surrey supporting people, and their families, suffering from Aphasia – when a person has difficulty withreading, writing and/or understanding what is said to them after a stroke.
- £500 to Sight for Surrey a charity offering a lifetime of support for people who are blind or partially sighted, Deaf, deafblind or hard of hearingand
- £500 to Lions Sight Savers Trust supporting Sightsavers who focus on eliminating avoidable blindnessand supporting people with vidusll impairments and other disabilities so they can live independently
- In December 2020 we delivered 220 Creavity Kits to five local Primary Schools and it is great to confirm a further 650 Kits have been delivered to the remaining 11 Primary Schools within Guildford BoroughThe Kits contain stationery basics such as pens, pencils, rulers, exercise books, drawing books and the like that will help children in their day to day school life but are also something which they can enjoy at home. We could not have provided this direct support to nearly 1,000 Guildford families without Biddles of Guildford who have been fantastic with their invaluable contributions to this project
- We continue to refurbish and donate laptops to deserving local people – click here for an update and more information.
- Club members donated 42 hours of their time to help the community
- We donated
- £125 to a Guildford student to assist with an educational trip to Tanzania
- £200 to the Croatia Earthquake Appeal via the Lions Clubs International Foundation
- Further recontioned laptops to local families
- Club members donated 15 hours of their time to help the community
- We donated
- £200 to the Guildford Sea Cadets nominated by Matt Gaskin, owner of Unigold2000, who have been renovating laptops donated to the Club for onward distribution to those in need.
- £200 to the Lions Club International Foundation Fund towards the Croatia Earthquake Appeal
- £300 in addition to a £250 donation from the Mayor of Guildford’s Local Support Fund to a Guildford family for a climbing frame.
- £125 to a Guildford student to attend a programmed tour to Tanzania spending 10 days working in a local school both
maintaining the facilities (water project) and informing the scholars of the teaching methods in England. - 4 reconditioned laptops to a local families
- Club members provided 30 hours of their time to help the community