Weathering Winter Together
Our aim is to raise £10,000 by Christmas to help meet these critical needs.

Did you know that Guildford has the highest proportion of households in fuel poverty in Surrey*?
Humanitarian appeal
Read how the kindness and generosity of ordinary people made it possible for Guildford Lions to help a rehoused family in need.

Thank you all.
This is a heartwarming example of the kindness and generosity of the people in our area. Thank you all.
Air Ambulance
Guildford Lions Club, along with many other Lions Clubs in the South East have raised £250,000

Thank you all.
Adrian Bell, CEO of KSSAA, said ”The Lions are amazing partners for the charity and have shown ....
Lions Clubs International has worked in partnership with MedicAlert since it started in the 1960s.

Peace of Mind
MedicAlert is a global charity that provides medical ID jewellery for people with hidden medical conditions or allergies.
Message in a bottle
What is Message in a Bottle? What’s in the bottle? What do I have to do? Who knows about it? Where can I get one?

What is Message in a Bottle?
This is a national Lions project to provide a simple way for the emergency services to find out information about a collapsed individual they may find in a call-out.
Spectacle Recycling
Do you have glasses that you don’t wear anymore?

How You Can Help?
In just about any home, you can find a pair of reading glasses that are no longer used. That pair of discarded spectacles can change another person’s life...
Young people are our tomorrow and as a club we are committed to serving Children and Youth

Knights of the Blind
through a variety of initiatives and by working specifically with local schools and other Youth organisations. We also run a Leos Club in Guildford
Where there’s a need there’s a Lion
We aim to support a number of projects that touch all sectors of our community in a variety of ways including:
- Making donations to local people in need and to local charities
- Providing food parcels at Christmas for the homeless, individuals and families in need
- Supporting our local food banks
- Providing transport for senior citizens to attend the Fairlands Pantomime each year
- Christmas entertainment for the more senior members of our community
- Organising an annual trip for young carers
- Supporting youth initiatives (for more details click here)
- Providing marshals at Guildford’s annual Remembrance Day Service and at other civic events
- We work closely with a number of local support organisations (for more details click here)
- Multiple acts of support for the local community (see the “How we Help” – Donation by year dropdown option for more detail)
In addition when the need arises we support Lions International by responding to global emergencies Lions Clubs Global Causes
Without the financial donations of our wonderful sponsors and the support of many local organisations we would not be able to put on the many events etc that allows us to raise funds and help our community.
We are very grateful to each and every one of you.