2025 Donations
We offer support, financial and non-financial, to local causes including charities and humanitarian cases. We are also a service organisation providing assistance, such as, helping with collections for other charities, marshalling at civic events e.g. the Remembrance Sunday Parade, providing transport and entertainment for our more senior residents
Our donations in 2025 currently amount to £6,900 including £900 to food banks in Guildford and Godalming.

January: £6,900
- £6,000 of supermarket vouchers to people and families in need across Guildford
- £900 to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
February: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
March: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
April: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming food banks
May: £
- Food Banks £***
June: £
- Guildford and Godalming food banks £***
- £*** to Guildford & Godalming foodbanks.
August: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming food banks
September: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming food banks
October: £
- £*** to Guildford and Godalming food banks
November: £1,456
- £731 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
- £75 for a reconditioned laptop via SCC social worker
- £650 towards a programme supporting the mental health of victims of domesic abuse, via SW Surrey
Domesic Abuse Service.
- £*** to Guildford & Godalming foodbanks