2024 Donations
We offer support, financial and non-financial, to local causes including charities and humanitarian cases. We are also a service organisation providing assistance, such as, helping with collections for other charities, marshalling at civic events e.g. the Remembrance Sunday Parade, providing transport and entertainment for our more senior residents
Our donations in 2024 currently amount to £42,048.50 including £7,893 to food banks in Guildford and Godalming.
January: £3,266
- £1,000 donaton to Guildford Acton for cold weather clothing for their clients.
- £500 to Headway charity
- £350 to halow charity, match funded by the owners of The Boathouse, Millbrook
- £350 for floor covering, via Henry Smith Charity
- £1,066 to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
February: £5,830
- £1,000 donaton to Guildford Shakespeare Company for their Educaton and Outreach Service which
visits local schools encouraging year 5 children to write, produce and perform their own version of
Shakespeare’s plays. - £2,400 to Pirbright School Nurture Farm to allow visits from other schools and disability groups to
continue. - £1,000 to Guildford Acton for winter clothing and other needs of struggling families in Guildford area.
- £300 to Lions district youth projects.
- £400 for therapy sessions for a UK Forces veteran living in Bramley with mental health issues.
- Two laptops have been given, one to a refugee family and another to a local resident via Voluntary
Action SW Surrey - £730 to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
March: £862
- £100 donaton for clothing for Godalming resident, via Social Prescribing Link Worker.
- £200 donation towards training for a young skier, potential national junior. (see News item)
- £562 to Guildford and Godalming Food Banks.
April: £2,430
- £1,000 donation towards provision of new primary kit bags for Kent, Surrey, Sussex Air Ambulance.
- £400 donation for therapy sessions with horses for child, via SENDCo of Merrow Schools Federation.
- £250 donation to Dyscover, a local charity providing speech and language support groups for local
stroke victims. - £150 donation for double bed from Furniture Link for local resident, via Adult Mental Health Services.
- £630.50 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
May: £3,550.50
- Food Banks £750.50
- Merrow Junior school £250
- Guildford Action summer activities £2,000
- Humanitarian case: music lessons for 16 yo boy, £400
- humanitarian case; domestic items for rehoused family with issues £150
- Lions International projects; LIBRA £500, Eye camps £250, Water Aid £250
June: £1,998
- Guildford and Godalming food banks £598
- £1,000 to Hedger’s Almshouses, Merrow, to equip garden room for residents.
- £400 to victim of domestic abuse for purchase of secondhand bed.
July: £830
- £250 to 13 year old representing England’s juniors at the World Darts Competition.
- £580 to Guildford & Godalming foodbanks.
August: £9,903
- £100 for SEN pupil to spend a summer club at their new school, via SCC Support Worker.
- £3,800 to the Halow project from the proceeds of our Music in the Park event
- £5,500 to Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey from the proceeds of our Charity Golf Day
- £503 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
September: £1,727
- £1,000 to Basketball4All charity ((learning disability basketball run at St Peter’s School, Merrow).
- £245 for furniture for victim of domestic abuse via Social Prescribing link worker
- £50 donation for wheelchair acquired second-hand a for victim of domestic abuse suffering from a
broken leg, via Social Prescribing Link Worker. - £432 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
October: £921
- ££250 represening 50% of the cost of a heavy duty double buggy for a mother with a child on the autistc spectrum, via Early Years Support Worker.
- £90 for vacuum cleaner, via Senior Coordinator for Home Start Guildford.
- £581 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
November: £1,456
- £731 to Guildford and Godalming food banks
- £75 for a reconditioned laptop via SCC social worker
- £650 towards a programme supporting the mental health of victims of domesic abuse, via SW Surrey
Domesic Abuse Service.
December: £9,275
- £7,500 to Oakleaf, mental illness charity working with local residents
- £200 for window blinds for vulnerable resident in ground floor flat, via SCC Support Worker
- £350 support for an autistic 15 year old to allow her mum a few hours respite a week, via SCC Targeted
Youth Worker - £500 contribution to Lions Clubs International Disaster Fund
- £725 to Guildford & Godalming foodbanks