President Brian Watts presenting the cheque to Jigsaw Trust CEO Kate Grant, with Lions organiser Dave Brownjohn
Following Guildford Lions Charity Golf Day held on 1st September 2023 in aid of Jigsaw Trust and School, pictured are Lion President Brian Watts presenting a cheque for £6,000 to Kate Grant, the CEO of Jigsaw Trust, attended by Dave Brownjohn who chaired the golf day organising committee. Kate Grant thanked the Lions for their efforts, which are enabling Jigsaw to purchase and install 2 defibrillators and to complete the creation of a 6th Form Outdoor Recreation area. The presentation was held at Clandon Regis Golf Club where the golf day took place. President Brian said that the Lions were only too happy to be able to continue their association with Jigsaw, which has lasted for over 15 years.