Charity Golf Day 2024

Thursday 25th July

Clandon Regis Golf Club, GU4 7TT

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Our 2023 golf day was such a success that we’re doing another one this year.  It will be on 25 July and, once again at Clandon Regis Golf Club.

This year it is for the benefit of Sight-for-Surrey,  an inclusive organisation dedicated to enabling and empowering people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind. They currently support over 8,000 people. See

Once again we are having a £10,000 Hole-in-One-Prize, plus smaller HIO prizes on the other par-3 holes.

There will again be various golfing prizes, plus raffle and auction, as well as a 2 course meal (a vegetarian alternative will be available) and a bacon roll to start the day.

We hope you are able to join us, and it would be great if you could make up a team of 4 players. As you will see from the attached, it is £85 per person (a small increase on last year), or £45 if you are a Clandon Regis member.

If you are able to donate any raffle/auction prizes that will be much appreciated.

Booking form

Please reply to for a booking form and details of how to pay.